What is a fono fale?
Is a place for pacific health. It was originally made by samoa. It helps pacific people with health. It has two main things in the fale fono which is Family and Culture. It also includes spiritual, physical, social and mental well-being.
What is the difference between fale fono and Hāuora?
The fale fono is a model of pacific model. Created by Samoa. The Hauora is a model for maori health. The main two things in the fale fono is Culture and Family. Those are the two things that aren't in the hauora.
What is similar between Fale fono and Hauora?
They both got to do with the model of health but just represent didnt cultures. Fale fono(Pacific) and Hauora(Maori). Also something that the two have in common is they both have spiritual, social, physical and mental well-being.
Difference between fonofale and hauora?
The hauora has four walls compared to a fale fono. The fale fono doesn’t have four walls. The walls is a circle shaped and the hauora has four. The hauora also looks similar is a marae.
Do you like the Hāuora model or the Fonofale model more? Why?
I like the fale fono because it has to do with pacific health.
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