
Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Explanation writing- How to prevent yourself from getting sick

Image result for Explanation writing- How to prevent yourself from getting sickBelow are some things that will prevent yourself from getting sick. My explanation is about stopping germs from spending to people.

One of the easiest ways of staying healthy is eating a balanced range of food. This means eating from the 5 food groups with a focus on fruits and vegetables. If you do that then your body will receive all the nutrients it needs to be in the best condition to fight off invading germs.

Image result for Explanation writing- How to prevent yourself from getting sickAnother way to prevent yourself from getting sick is to not share food or drink with other people. This means not eating other people’s food that they have already eaten. If you put food in your mouth and give it to someone else you are spreading germs that's how everyone get’s sick. But if you DON’T do these things then you or someone else won’t get sick because germs will not spread.

Another way of preventing yourself is washing your hands frequently. You should wash your wash before eating, toilet,coughing,sneezing, picking your nose  and heaps more.  This means If you sneeze and don’t wash your hands then touch someone they have a high chance of  getting sick. If you do these things then you will stop the germs from spending but if you don’t do these things then you will spend the germs to someone and it will go on and on and on so wash your hands frequently to stop the germs from spending.

So those are some things that will stop germs from spending  to people. So wash your hands frequently and don’t eat or drink what people have already eaten and drank. If you do these things it will stop everyone from getting sick. So look after yourself and live a happy and long life.

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