Long long time ago there lived a leopard seal called Sila and there were 4 Emperor penguins called Wana, Nese, Jess and liz they both lived in Antarctica . It was a very bitterly cold place to live not much people lived there only researchers and scientist.
One day Sila was so hungry for penguins.
The 4 penguins went to have a picnic but they had no food so they went to go and get fish and some . Sila saw them having a picnic and she said “yum” to herself . He saw them play tag so he went up to them and said may I play has he was licking his lips . They got scared and ran away and the seal has running after them but they were so fast. Jack was so hungry that her tummy was rumbling. When the 4 penguins were running they said “ paw that was closes ”.
The 4 penguins wanted to go outside and play so they looked left and right at the door to see if the seal was there but the seal wasn't there so they went to play outside .
As they were playing Jack saw them playing he was so hungry it can’t help it so he ran to the penguins to eat them but they were just so fast. So the seal came up with a plan to get the penguins and eat them. Jack said to himself “ I can do a trap” so he went to get some fish in the water and he put it on the ice the penguins can smell the fish the seal was hiding. Jess said “ yummy look there are some fish over there “ and Nese said “ let’s go and get some “ they ran to the fish and the seal got them. The penguins was very scared of Jack but the seal just wanted to be friends so they became friends. The End . . . . . . . . . . . .
Great piece of writing Liz. What happened to Sila?